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Nicaragua Mission Trip
Over the last week I was blessed with an opportunity to travel with Full Count Ministries to Nicaragua! Full Count maintains full time missionaries in country who coach and share the gospel. I primarily taught and worked with the umpires of that area. Thanks to the generosity of the umpires of TruBlu, many native umpires now have the gear they need to work! We were able to see several men come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior (including one who had been prayed for starting over 9 years ago) and God only knows how many seeds were planted and watered.
RO40 Patnership
RO40 Partnership
TruBlu Umpires is proud to partner with MLB Umpire Roberto Ortiz #40. RO40 is a non-profit that is dedicated to the training and development of individuals who's dream is to pursue the dream of umpiring baseball at the highest level. RO40 provides training and development through umpire camps in Puerto Rico that allow those individuals the opportunity to participate in a training camp that would not otherwise have the opportunity to do so. Selected individuals from RO40's program travel to Middle TN to sharpen the skill learned in games that are assigned by TRUBLU Umpires. In 2024 2 students from RO40 Camp will participate in an MLB tryout camp in Atlanta. All while having their expenses covered by RO40.